Model Me Conversation Cues™ is a program teaching the skills needed during conversations. Sessions are taught using a variety of activities, videos, workbooks, and role-plays. Topics covered include; When To Start Conversation, Cue: Interested, Cue: Not Interested, How To Start Conversation, Cue: Bored, Take Turns Maintain Conversation, Talk on Topic, Cue: Disbelief, Cue: Confused, My Cues, End Conversation

Conversation Cues (Model Me Kids®) 9-12


Signing up for a block signs you up for 5 days of sessions:

Block 1) July 10th-July 14th, 9am-12pm
Block 2) Aug 28th-September 1st. 1-4 pm

Note: You need only sign up for either the July 10th session or the August 28th block. Signing up for both will not result in more rounds of service.

For any questions:

Lisa Henderson
Toll free: 1-855-759-1148

Service provided by: THRIVE Child Development Centre