BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND. This service is intended for caregivers or adolescents (age 13+) to receive direct individual support from a psychologist or clinical associate working under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Price or Dr. Matias Mariani to address challenges related to a range of issues (e.g., family problems, parenting stress, bullying at school, worries, etc.). The goal is to provide time-limited counselling to better manage emotions, improve problem-solving, and learn various coping skills.
Short-Term Individual Counselling for Caregivers or Adolescents
Selecting June 30 will register you for ONE session between April 15 and August 31. Selecting October 24 will register you for ONE session between September 1 and December 31.
Exact session date and time will be determined with the family upon booking.
Block 1: April 15-August 31
Block 2: September 1-December 31
Please note that you only need to select one date. Selecting multiple dates will not result in additional rounds of service.
For any questions:
Dr. Matias Mariani
(705) 675-8925