As a caregiver you do so much for your family. If you are looking for resources and support that you would normally receive when attending an Early ON or child care centre, or something else that you need to care for your family, our EarlyON Practitioners and Special Needs Resourcing Consultants are available to answer your questions and provide support.
A journey with the Robins
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of July 12th, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of June 28th, 2021

EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of June 21st, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of June 14th, 2021

EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of June 7th, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of May 31st, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of May 24th, 2021

If you Find a Rock
We are pleased to launch this video created by Sharlene, RECE from our EarlyON Northeastern Site. Sharlene will walk you through an interactive experience of the story “If you Find a Rock” by Peggy Christian. We hope you enjoy seeing, hearing and learning about exploring in nature with Sharlene!
The Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly – Part 1
Check out this video prepared by Stacy King, EarlyON Practitioner, sharing the details of the beautiful Monarch butterfly. Enjoy!
The Journey of Monarch Butterfly – Part 2
We are happy to share Part 2 of our video Series: Monarch Butterflies completed by our EarlyON Practitioner Stacy King. We hope you have enjoyed watching this butterfly journey with us!
Guided Breathing Meditation for Kids
Join Mariam Gates in the reading of her book “Breathe with Me” while learning a few practices for kids!
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of May 10th, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of May 3rd, 2021
Creating a Calming Environment
Calm and engaging environments offer predictability, stability and positivity for children. A calming environment can be created using three key approaches; 1) positive relationships, 2) organizing the environment, and 3) consistent routines.
Check out this video describing techniques Educators can utilize to create an environment that is predictable, supportive, and consistent.
ConnectABILITY is a website and virtual community dedicated to lifelong learning and support for people who have an intellectual disability, their families and support networks. The core of their community is accessible, self-directed access to valuable information and tools, ready on demand.
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of April 26th, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of April 19th, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of April 12th, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of April 5th, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of March 29th, 2021

EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of March 22nd, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of March 15th, 2021
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of March 8th, 2021

Check Out This Week’s Curbside Package!
This bilingual package promotes outdoor family time, exploring the elements of water and ice with science, sensory experiences and creativity.
Make the most of what’s left of the snow with these exciting activities that are sure to get your child thinking that science is really cool!
Some of the activities you will find in this package are:
- Outdoor volcano
- Bubbles in the snow
- Frozen Oobleck
- Snowstorm in a jar
This package will be available for contactless pick-up at four locations:
- West End @ 52 Gill Street
- 662 Falconbridge Rd (back parking lot)
– Wednesday, March 10 from 4pm-6pm
– Thursday, March 11 from 9am-11am
- Levack Arena
– Thursday, March 11 from 10am-11am
- Chelmsford Public School
– Thursday, March 11 from 1pm-2pm
Quantities are limited. We hope to see you there!

EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of March 1st, 2021

Winter is for the Birds!
Winter birds are surprisingly different. Some fun activities you and your family will be doing together :
• Winter Bird Fact Sheet
• Make Your Own Bird Feeder
• Make Your Own Binoculars
• Winter Bird Watching
• Cooking Fun – Making Bird Suet
• Making a Bird House
• Winter Bird Arts & Crafts
• Songs & Rhymes
• Book List
This package will be available for contactless pick-up at four locations:
- West End @ 52 Gill Street
- 662 Falconbridge Rd (back parking lot)
– Wednesday, March 3 from 4pm-6pm
– Thursday, March 4 from 9am-11am
– Saturday, March 6 from 10am-12pm
- Levack Arena
– Thursday, March 4 from 10am-11am
- Chelmsford Public School
– Thursday, March 4 from 1pm-2pm
Quantities are limited. Looking forward to seeing you there!

EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of February 22nd, 2021

For further information about TripleP visit the provided link:
EarlyON Virtual Hub Activities for the week of February 16th, 2021
A new initiative that the EarlyON team is starting next week! View the poster below for details and to add your name to the list.
View a message from the EarlyON team going out to all families who participated in the activity at the Rotary Trail.
Groundhog Day
Legend has it that if the groundhog comes out of his burrow and sees his shadow (because the day is bright and sunny), he will get frightened and run back in his burrow, bringing six more weeks of winter. If the groundhog comes out of his burrow and does not see his shadow (because the day is cloudy and overcast), he will stay outside and we will have an early spring!
February 2nd happens to be the day that winter is half over; it is half way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox
Check out these Groundhog Day activities created for you by our CCR EarlyON Team!
Nursery Rhymes and Songs in Early Learning
Did you know that singing nursery rhymes and songs to children as young as babies can help develop their language and communication skills? There are so many different ways adults can make this type of learning fun, whether this is by using props, music or musical instruments. Creating a fun experience for children will help engage them and they are more likely to sit and participate in the songs.
Check out these short nursing rhyme songs create for you by our CCR EarlyON Team!
Family Literacy Day – Ten Activities to Celebrate
Family Literacy Day takes place every January 27th to raise awareness about the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.
Taking time each day to read or do a learning activity with children is crucial to a child’s development and improve literacy skills.
Why not try out some of the activities shared below from CCRs EarlyON Team!
Send us your pictures to and we will enter your name for a chance to win a book basket!
Do you have a child with an exceptionality who is starting school for the very first time? Do you have questions about what our local school boards have to offer for supports and services?
As part of our community’s initiative to increase knowledge and help ease the transition for first time school entries, our local School Boards have created information videos for caregivers.
The links for each Board can be found below:
Sudbury Catholic:
Rainbow District School Board:
For further questions, contact information for each School Board can also be found at the end of each video.

Great Visit to Rotary Park!
EarlyON staff would like to share with you:
Check out today’s activity to help families get into the festive spirit for the holiday season.
Note regarding COVID-19 Safety Precautions:
Child & Community Resources values the importance of taking steps to ensure the health and safety of our staff and families. The following precautions have taken place prior to the recording of videos: staff screening questionnaire, taking temperatures, disinfecting of hands and surfaces, and maintaining a distance of 6 feet when not wearing a mask.
Click here to see the activity for December 1st – Write a Letter to Santa
Click here to see the activity for December 2nd – Donate to Food Bank
Click here to see the activity for December 3rd – Make Hot Chocolate
Click here to see the activity for December 4th – Make your own Christmas Card
Click here to see the activity for December 5th – SinterKlass in Belgium
Click here to see the activity for December 6th – Make a Pinata
Click here to see the activity for December 7th – Make Candy Cane Reindeer
Click here to see the activity for December 8th – Make a Chinese Lantern
Click here to see the activity for December 9th – Decorate a boat
Click here to see the activity for December 10th – Do something kind for someone
Click here to see the activity for December 11th – Make an ornament
Click here to see the activity for December 12th – Bake and Decorate Sugar Cookies
Click here to see the activity for December 13th – Mistletoe Footprints
Click here to see the activity for December 14th – Make a sandman
Click here to see the activity for December 15th – Make a wreath
Click here to see the activity for December 16th – Make a Bird Feeder
Click here to see the activity for December 17th – Make Popcorn Garland
Click here to see the activity for December 18th – Make Eggnog
Click here to see the activity for December 19th – Salt dough activity
Click here to see the activity for December 20th – Go Sliding
Click here to see the activity for December 21st – Make a snowman
Click here to see the activity for December 22nd – Decorate a Centerpiece
Click here to see the activity for December 23rd – Make Reindeer Food

Onaping Falls Nature Walk with Bobbi and Stacy
Join Bobbi and Stacy on another nature walk…how many times did you spot our friend the Fox?
Connect with a Registered Early Childhood Educator
Chat with at Registered Early Childhood Educator – Our EarlyON Practitioners and Special Needs Resourcing Consultants are available to you! If you are looking for resources and support that you would normally receive when attending an Early ON or child care centre, we can assist you.
Please contact us (, and someone will be happy to assist you.
Teaching Empathy and Emotional Regulation
Emotional regulation and empathy are two of the most important social-emotional skills for young children to develop. As authors Jennifer Grisham-Brown, Mary Louise Hemmeter, and Kristie Pretti-Frontczak point out, “children who manage their own emotions well and who respond appropriately to the emotions of others will be more successful in their interactions with their peers.”
Check out these simple tips that you can use to help kids understanding their own and others’ emotions!
Big Feelings Come and Go Storybook – Free Resource
Check out this free storybook download and videos shared by the Access Inclusion newsletter by Children’s Inclusion Supports Services around managing big feeling!
Storybook pdf:
Video series:
This storybook and video series teaches kids about freeze, flight and fight and helps them learn some basic self-regulation skills. Understanding freeze, flight and fight can allow for new conversations about how your child feels and what to do to help them manage their big feelings!

New Sudbury Historical Trail – Talk a Walk with Stacey and Bobbi, Early ON
Young Children and Sleep
As we welcome the transition back to school, whether in person or on a virtual platform, young children are available to learn best with a strong sleep routines.
A few tips to help establish and maintain a healthy sleep routine are:
- Daily exercise – children require opportunities to exert energy throughout the day. Try planning small physical activity breaks before, during and after school. Make use of your community resources such as playgrounds, hiking trails and free outdoor spaces to engage in play when and where you can!
- Bedtime routines are important. This means keep your kid’s bedtime around the same time each night when possible.
- End screen time at least one hour before bedtime. Plan for more quiet and low stimulating activities.
- Ideal and quiet environment can help kids fall asleep easier.
Check out this infographic from the Government of Canada that summarizes the most current stats. Available in both English and French!
ASQ Family Resources
The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) website is sharing free parent activities for children. These ASQ activities can support and boost children’s development as they grow. Download the latest ASQ activities that include fun new ways for families to keep kids birth to 5 engaged and learning.

Mental Health Resources during COVID
The School of Mental Heath Ontario team has put together a great set of resources to help student mental health during covid-19 and the return to school. Here is the link geared towards educators, parents and families and students!
Exploring the Outdoors!
Enjoy this video of our EarlyON Practitioners Stacy and Bobbi as they take you on an outdoor exploration walk!
Supportive Transitioning for Children with ADHD
Over the last several months, many families have found themselves struggling with less routine, activities and/or socialization. Children with ADHD may have been experiencing an even harder time than most.
Please find below a great article from Hamilton Health Sciences about supporting children while at home and with the potential transition back to school or child care.
Math is Everywhere
Look around there are exciting math opportunities abound! Whether you are enjoying time indoors, outdoors, or are on the go making math part of your daily routines helps your child understand that math is fun and important.
Check out this presentation completed by Karen and Sharlene; EarlyON Practitioners to learn more!

Self Regulation
This week, we are offering a self-regulation package. In the package, you will find tips to putting self-regulation into practice and some helpful strategies for children as well as adults.
Included in the package is a description of how to create your own coping skills toolbox, calming jars and stress balls.
This package will be available for contactless pick-up at our West End @52 Gill Street location on September 3rd from 9-11am. We hope to see you there!

Literacy and Physical Literacy Activities
Check out this information sheet from our EarlyON team regarding Literacy, Numeracy and Language and play!
Supportive Connections for Children and Youth – Video 2
Here is the second video in Dr. Jean Clinton’s video series on Supportive Connection for Children and Youth. We hope you are enjoying the learning in this series!
Did you know that a study shows that our children play less than one hour a day and compared this to the 2 hour mandated outdoor time of prison inmates? Dr. Jean unpacks the connection between play and social emotional development and describes how other societal changes such as technology and parental stress has hindered children’s social and emotional development.
Natural Environment Teaching
In our current environment, this video by Sir Ken Robinson pushes our thinking about why and how we can move our teaching outdoors.
What opportunities can you create to bring play and learning outdoors?
If you are looking for resources and support around natural environment teaching, chat with at Registered Early Childhood Educator – our EarlyON Practitioners and Special Needs Resourcing Consultants are here to assist. Please contact us via this link (, and someone will be happy to assist you.
Benefits of Baby Sign
In the last few years, baby sign language has gained popularity in teaching over a babies first year. Baby Sign Language has three types of benefits:
Practical : less fussing and more fun.
Emotional : creates a closer parental bond.
Cognitive : boosts brain development.
Please watch this video created by our EarlyON practitioners explaining the benefits of baby sign, sample instructions on common signs and a sing along.
Supportive Connections for Children and Youth – Video 1
Join us in exploring the first video in Dr. Jean Clinton’s video series on Supportive Connections for Children and Youth.
In Video 1, Dr. Clinton describes Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) as on ongoing Developmental Process. According to her, SEL is “…essential for all ages but the ability to develop competencies becomes much deeper in the middle years and adolescence.
In this video, Dr. Jean indicated that SEL is the foundation for mental wellbeing. What do you think?
Natural Environment Teaching 101
Natural Environment Teaching (NET) is a term that is used for when skills are taught or generalized within the natural environment. For example, you might teach a child to receptively and expressively label colours of items at the table. Then, during NET the student would get to practice the skill by labelling colours of crayons that you’re colouring with or asking for colours of playdoh that you’re playing with!
Check out this NET Infographic from our team for more tips and information!
Re-Energizing Your Walks with the Kids!
As the weather continues to warm up, our EarlyON Practitioners wanted to share some additional ideas you can add in to your daily walks. What a great way to include expressive and receptive language skills!
For more outdoor activities for children 0-6 years of age:
National Indigenous Peoples Day: June 21st, 2020
June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This is a day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of Indigenous people.
At nearly every Indigenous cultural gathering you will find fry bread. #FryBreadFriday is a video series that celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day through the sharing of fry bread cooking techniques, recipes and stories.
Take a look at the #FryBreadFriday video and try one of the delicious recipes for yourself!
We have also linked a great activity book for children and families to increase knowledge while engaging in some fun activities.
The Benefits of Risky Play
Risky play in early childhood can help develop a child’s self-confidence, resilience, executive functioning abilities and even risk-management skills.
Risky play involves kids experimenting and pushing themselves to figure out what will happen, without knowing the exact outcome.
Check out this visual guide that summarizes some of the benefits of risky play, along with a quick video for your learning!
Inclusion At a Quick Glance
With the City of Greater Sudbury, our Early Learning professionals strive to promote high quality early learning education and care programs that ensure all children have opportunities to develop their language, social, physical and cognitive abilities. Inclusive early education is not just about placement in a program, but also active participation in social interactions and the development of children’s abilities and skills.
Puppet Play and Learn
Our EarlyON team shares some tips and resources on how to make and use puppets in play!
Cooking Activity – Banana Cookies
Did you know that the simple act of inviting your children to cook and bake with you can promote the following skills?
- Help children develop confidence and expand their food choices by being a part of meal time preparation.
- Teaches them to follow directions and develop problem-solving skills.
- Promotes fine motor and eye-hand coordination skills by chopping, mixing, squeezing, and spreading.
- Encourages children’s thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. It also allows children the opportunity to use the knowledge they have and apply it by counting, measuring, following a sequence, following directions, and cause and effect.
We hope you try out this Easy Peasy Banana Cookies recipe, enjoy!

Literacy Activity
Children learn to love the sound of language before they even notice the printed words on a page. Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word.
We hope this activity inspires you to expand on your reading time!

Encouraging Physical Literacy – Easy and Fun Yoga Poses
Inspire your little ones to move and learn with fun, interactive, and educational yoga poses shared by Kids Yoga Stories. These poses can be done inside or while you are outdoors to encourage physical activity. Parents and caregivers can join in on the fun as well!
Introduction to Self-Regulation – What is it and how can you support?
Learning how to self-regulate is an important skill for children to support their emotional maturity and future social connections.
CCR’s EarlyON team have created this mini presentation and resource to support parents in broadening your understanding on this topic.
Ways to Support Your Child Through Big Emotions
Being prepared with a strategy for helping children through those times when they are experiencing big or overwhelming emotions such as anger, frustration, jealousy or embarrassment, is one way to help both you and them to work through those emotions more effectively.
Check out this article for more information:
For further supports, our EarlyON Practitioners and Special Needs Resourcing Consultants are also available to you!
If you are looking for resources and support that you would normally receive when attending an Early ON or child care centre, we can assist you. Please fill out this survey (, and someone will be happy to assist you.
Children’s Social and Emotional Development
Social emotional development, which begins in infancy, helps children learn to understand their emotions and sustain positive relationships with others. Parents and caregivers are children’s first and most important teachers with this skill.
The National Institute for Children’s Health Quality shared this great article that explores children’s social and emotional development and provides you with tips on how to nurture this skill in the early years.
Serve and Return
Did you know that the most important interactions you have with a child can happen through play? Learn more about in the playful act of serve and return with your child! In this Mini Parenting Master Class from UNICEF, Center on the Developing Child Director Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D. explains the importance of serve and return interactions like play—and how easy they are to do, especially through practice!
Playdough Paired with Books
Children love to play with playdough, rolling, sculpting, and molding. Add some props from around the home and playdough becomes a powerful way to support children’s learning.
Playdough lets children use their imaginations while strengthening muscles in the hands and fingers, the same muscles they will one day use to hold a pencil and write.
It doesn’t stop there, it is a great activity for exploring the alphabet and for extending the story of any children’s book. Enhancing children’s comprehension of the story, building upon experiences, deepening their knowledge, and exploring the stories more deeply.

Shelley Moore Video Series – Expanding Views of Inclusion and Special Education
CCR’s Special Needs Resourcing Team would like to introduce the first video of a series from Shelley Moore with the hope of expanding our views of inclusion and special education.
Based in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, Shelley Moore consults locally, provincially and beyond regarding her passion in evolving our practices in inclusion. Her work and presentations integrate theory and effective practices of inclusion, special education & curriculum. Along with her best selling book, One Without the Other: Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion, Shelley is an award winning SSHRC research storyteller and a TEDx speaker highlighting her work in presuming competence.
We hope you enjoy this first introductory video to Shelley’s work
Do you know what you are a ‘genius’ at?
Do you know what you are a genius at? In this five minute video with Shelley Moore, she tackles the importance of children and families talking about their strengths and their role in education. What can you bring forward to others? Enjoy!
Bringing Supports to the Students
In this video, Shelley invites us to consider a new perspective of inclusive practices for the whole school community. Her wrap around support for students and teachers links to a universal approach for all!
Track milestones from ages 2 months to 5 years
If you would like to track milestones from ages 2 months, to 5 years, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has an easy-to-use checklist app.
Get tips on how to encourage your child’s development, as well as how you can reach out and share your concerns.
Download the app today to get started:

What do you think?
Understanding your needs helps us make it easier for your family to access services in the North.