Child & Community Resources and our Northern Collaborative partners are working together to offer another full year of Family Foundational Services throughout the Thunder Bay, Kenora Rainy River, Algoma, and Sudbury Manitoulin Districts. It is critical that the Ontario Government support and sustain this system of talented providers to ensure families have access to quality service options once registered for the Ontario Autism Program.

As of today, there are many families that are still unsure about the registration process, unable to complete the required steps to register for the program, waiting for a diagnosis, or want to participate in services but are unable to because they live in rural or remote communities.  Child & Community Resources, the Capacity Building Advisory Committees, and members of the Northern Collaborative understand the needs of the North.  We have the solutions to improve and support families in accessing all services available through the Ontario Autism Program and will continue to advocate so that ALL families have access to these important services.

This year, we are inviting new partners to ensure a strong network of skilled providers are available to families throughout the region. On behalf of the Northern Collaborative, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our families for your ongoing feedback to ensure the services we provide align with your specific needs.

If you would like to learn more about the Northern Collaborative and the providers, please visit:

With respect and gratitude,

Sherry Fournier
Executive Director
Child & Community Resources